Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 48: Trial and Error

The exciting news for the day is that the scale read 210.5 this morning! Most of my pants were getting to look a little.....let's say, Clownish, for lack of a better word. My sister had given me a pair of her old fat pants that had been too tight for me and I was surprised that they fit now.

Things have been mostly good on the eating front, although there was a run in with a birthday cake that resulted in the cake losing two pieces to my gaping cake hole, but besides that, all is well.

I am realizing that some calories just aren't worth eating because things like my beloved nonfat latte just don't do anything to keep me full. I would much rather have a giant apple when I am really hungry. So I have swapped it out for iced green tea. Zero calories and it fills my need to spend money in the drive thru Starbucks.

How is your week going?

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