Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 19: Bring It

The blogs listed in the sidebar are a source of endless inspiration to me. I feel like I can take on the world. I think I am going to get Netflix so that I can try out some Tae Bo videos. I was bummed that they don't have Turbo Jam, but I have always wanted to give Billy Blanks a run for his money so I guess I should start there.

I have pretty much been exercising six days a week. Alternating between walking around the fitness trail (2.5 miles) for 45 min. and doing 25 min of trampoline jogging the rest of the days. I love my trampoline! But I also need to mix it up and I think some exercise videos might be just the thing.

Also, I am a total A-hole and I weighed again today. Guess what! I'm up a pound. That's what I deserve for being such a looky-loo.


Me said...

Thanks for the nice plug! I happen to LOVE Billy Blanks. He is so positive and really makes you WANT to exercise. GASP! Did I just say that?!

TrixieBelden said...

Hey there! I just wanted to stop by your blog and say hi. Thanks for your email. I'll stop by again soon :) I also just wanted to say that you are doing great! :)