Sunday, March 23, 2008


Found this at Dottie's Place and I had to do it!

1. Cellphone: pocket
2. Relationship: amazing
3. My hair: normal
4. Work: WAHM
5. My sibling/siblings: sister
6. My favorite thing: daughters
7. My dream last night: scary
8. Favorite drink: coke
9. Dream car: electric
10. The room I’m in : diningroom
11. My shoes: loafers
12. My fears: fearsome
13. What do I want to be in 10 years: vivacious
14. Who did I hang out with this weekend: family
15. What I am not good at: skiing
16. Muffin: poppyseed
17. One of my wish list items: pool
18. Where I grew up: Oregon
19. Last thing I did: housework
20. Wearing: clothes
21. Not wearing: earings
22. My pets: heaven
23. My computer: busy
24. My life: fabulous
25. My mood: content
26. Missing: Dad
27. What I am thinking about right now: Easter
28. My car: Minivan
29. My kitchen: small
30. My weather: rainy
31. Favorite color: blue
32. Last time I laughed: today
33. Last time I cried: weeks
34. School: masters
35. Love: family

1 comment:

Dottie said...

Thanks for stopping by and having fun with the meme! Happy Easter!