Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 24:Weigh In

I woke up this morning, took a deep breath and hopped on the scale. The verdict? -2 lbs! 216! Hurray!

I went to the community center and joined their fitness center yesterday. I will go there on rainy days I don't use my trampoline or videos. I think variety is going to be a good thing. The whole time I was on the elliptical and treadmill yesterday I kept telling myself that if I just do this for 20-30 min most days of my life, then I NEVER have to feel so miserable as I was before again. One foot in front of the other.

I have my first difficult social function, a luncheon and Easter egg hunt. I have decided to try to eat normal portions of everything that looks good and maybe even eat some candy. Then? Right back on track. I plan on enjoying myself because this new way of living is indeed about living, not being miserable. If I deprive myself to much I am going to go right back to where I was 3 weeks ago.

I feel so good, and not just about the numbers on the scale. I feel in control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you on your weigh in! Thats gotta be a great feeling! I have been avoiding the scale for quite some time - I should probably face the music one of these days - I am thinking that we are sitting at simular numbers - we'll be able to kick each others butts! :)) Take care.